Prospective Career of the Graduates

With the above-mentioned skills and knowledge, the Information System graduate is able to follow a career in:
- Project Manager
- Applications Development Manager
- Information Center Manager
- Operations Manager
- Emerging Technologies Manager
- Digital Marketing Manager
- IS/IT Audit Manager
- UX Manager
- System Analyst
- Business Analyst
- IS/IT Auditor
- IS/IT Consultant
- Applications Programmer
- Database Administrator
- Business Process Specialist
- UX Specialist
- Webmaster
- Web Designer
The Information Systems curriculum is designed and referred to the curriculum recommended by ACM and AIS, IS 2002 (Model curriculum and guidelines for undergraduate degree program in Information Systems), IS 2010 (Curriculum guidelines for undergraduate degree program in Information Systems), Computing Curricula 2005 and A ooperative Project of ACM, AIS, IEEE-CS. In addition, the curriculum has been influenced by foreign universities with a reputation for quality Information Systems Study Program.
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