Course Structure for Binusian 2024
Sem Periode Code Course Name SCU Total
1 1 COMP6599 Algorithm and Programming 6 10
MATH6077 Discrete Mathematics 4
2 CHAR6019 Character Building: Pancasila 2 10
COMP6127 Algorithm Design and Analysis 4
COMP6124 Program Design Methods 4
2 1 CHAR6020 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2 10
CPEN6214 Computer Networks 4
COMP6600 Operating System 4
2 COMP6601 Data Structures 6 10
COMP6275 Artificial Intelligence 4
3 1 ISYS6508 Database Systems 6 10
ENTR6081 Entrepreneurship 4
2 MATH6156 Calculus and Linear Algebra 4 12
COMP6307 Human and Computer Interaction 4
ENGL6163 English Professional 4
4 1 COMP6199 Software Engineering 2 10
COMP6728  Research Methodology in Informatics 4
2 COMP6311 Object Oriented Programming 2 10
COMP6276 Compilation Techniques 4
LANG6031 Indonesian 4
5 1 COMP6620 Pattern Software Design 4 8
COMP6305 Computer Security 4
2 ISYS6332  Data Warehouse 4 12
COMP6621 Web Programming 4
ISYS6362 Database Design 4
6 1 CHAR6021 Character Building: Agama 2 10
COMP6720 Data Science 4
COMP6284 Code Reengineering 4
2 COMP6617 Cloud Computing 4 8
COMP6721 Mobile Programming 4
7 1 Enrichment Program 8 8
2 Enrichment Program 12 12
8 1 COMP6328 Thesis 0 0
2 COMP6328 Thesis 6 6
Total Credit 146

Notes :
-) For enrichment program student can choose Minor Program Track or choose 5 courses from the list of Free Elective Courses.

Minor Program Track

Code Course Name SCU
COMP6725 Big Data Technologies 4
ISYE6196 Industrial Feasibility Analysis 4
ISYS6619 UX for Digital Business 4
MKTG6296 Digital Marketing for Manager 4
ACCT6384 Accounting for Small Medium Enterprise 4


Free Elective Courses:

Course Code Course SCU
ACCT6174 Introduction to Financial Accounting 4
ISYS6300 Business Process Fundamental 4
ISYS6299 Information System Concept 4
COMP6598 Introduction to Programming 4
ISYS6307 Data and Information Management 4
ISYS6597 Introduction to Database Systems 4
ISYS6305 Enterprise System 4
ISYS6515 Research Methods in Information Systems 4
ISYS6507 Testing and System Implementation 4
ISYS6310 Information Systems Project Management 4
MGMT6072 Introduction to Management and Business 4
ACCT6363 Accounting for Business 4
MATH6102 Business Mathematics 4
COMM6525 Business Ethics & Communication 4
LAWS6183 Legal Aspect in Business 4
ISYS6599 Management Information Systems for Leader 4
MKTG6113 Marketing Management 4
FINC6046 Financial Management 4
BUSS6189 Business Sustainability 4
MATH6082 Calculus I 4
MATH6094 Calculus II 4
SCIE6057 Chemistry and Biology 4
STAT6174 Probability Theory and Applied Statistics 4
ISYE6187 Engineering Economy and System Analysis 4
ISYE6188 Human-Integrated Systems 3/1
ISYE6094 Quality Engineering 4
ISYE6190 Facility Planning and Safety Engineering 4
MGMT6413 Introduction to Business and Economics 4
ACCT6130 Cost Accounting 4
ACCT6374 Managerial Accounting & Strategic Planning 4
ACCT6194 Ethics and Corporate Governance 4
ACCT6193 Research Methodology in Accounting and Finance 4
ACCT6329 Intermediate Accounting I 4
FINC6193 Corporate Financial Management and Modelling 4
ACCT6331 Accounting Information System and Internal Control 4
ACCT6334 Intermediate Accounting II 4
ACCT6381 Advanced Accounting 4