Kebutuhan akan Finance

Dunia keuangan terus mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan yang cepat, baik dari segi regulasi, teknologi, maupun tren pasar global. Sektor ini menghadapi tantangan karena perubahan permintaan pelanggan dan kemajuan teknologi. Menjadi yang terdepan sangatlah penting, dan bisnis di sektor ini harus tetap kompetitif dan inovatif agar dapat bertahan. Jurusan Finance memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan ekonomi global yang terus berubah. Program ini mencangkup pemahaman tentang keterampilan dan pengetahuan keuangan sehingga dapat membantu bisnis mengalokasikan sumber daya Perusahaan secara optimal serta mampu melakukan analisis pembiayaan dan investasi untuk pengambilan keputusan Perusahaan dan keberlanjutan bisnis.


Keunggulan Finance Program Binus Online

Keunggulan jurusan Finance yang ada di Binus Online adalah menggunakan Kurikulum Finance yang akan mempersiapkan mahasiswa dalam menghadapi kompleksitas tentang konsep dan praktik keuangan terkini. Finance Program Binus Online juga memiliki kerjasama yang baik dengan perusahaan dan asosiasi profesi akuntansi baik nasional maupun nasional. Dengan bergabung dalam program Finance maka mahasiswa akan dibekali keilmuan dan keterampilan akuntansi, keuangan, data analytics, dan teknologi keuangan serta keterampilan profesional. Sehingga mempersiapkan para pemimpin yang berpikir kritis serta berinovasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis terutama pada industri keuangan.


Prospek Karir

Lulusan program Finance akan menikmati banyak kesempatan kerja, baik di perusahaan keuangan, termasuk bank, perusahaan investasi, perusahaan asuransi, pasar modal, serta sektor keuangan lainnya. Sehingga para lulusan dapat menikmati banyak kesempatan kerja seperti Financial Controller, Financial Analyst, Financial Planner, Financial Advisor, Investment Analyst, Banker, Internal Auditor, Management Accountant, dan Internal Auditor.



To become a leading undergraduate Accounting Distance Learning Study Program that produces professional accountants with business skill, data science analysis, and applied information technology (IT) expertise with a continuing commitment to fostering and empowering communities


The mission of Accounting Distance Learning Study Program is to contribute to the global community through the provision of world-class education by:

  1. Educating binusian from the basic skills accounting knowledge toward to analysis data science (financial and non-financial), business practices and applied information technology to prepare graduates to become professional accountants in a variety of industries and prepare them to pursue advanced degrees in accounting, finance, or related disciplines;
  2. Guiding binusian through impactful and internationally recognized research in accounting to solve problems in communities.
  3. Fostering Binusian through independent and sustainable enrichment.
  4. Empowering the community by Binusians through community service activities.
  5. Connsistently applying the new Accounting Science that is aligned with the industry needs in multidiscipline view

Program Objective

The objectives of the program are:

  1. Preparing accounting students have professional skill, high integrity, caring the society interests, have a global orientation and responsive to scientific and technological advances required by industry
  2. Preparing accounting students with strong technical skills in creating and analyzing data science (financial and         non-financial) in order to fulfill accounting information
  3. Preparing accounting students with skilled organizational, communication and business knowledge to succeed in accounting careers

Student Outcomes

After completing the study, graduates are:

  1. Able to interpret the entity’s financial statements by applying accounting principles to transactions in accordance with the IFRS converged Financial Accounting Standards and the prevailing ETAP financial accounting standards
  2. Able to analyze performance reporting according to accounting principles as the basis for planning, controlling and decision-making by entity management to increase the effectiveness of organizational performance
  3. Able to carry out the audit process and use of accounting information systems for auditing financial statements according to Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) and International Standards on Auditing (ISA)
  4. Able to apply tax obligations for the Monthly Taxes and Annual Taxes in accordance with the tax regulations in Indonesia
  5. Able to carry out financing and investment analysis by applying technology for company decision making and business sustainability
  6. Able to solve problems through the multidisciplinary approach