Giovanna Tiny Sagita Gayatri,SE.,S.Kom.,MMSI.
Giovanna Tiny Sagita Gayatri,SE.,S.Kom.,MMSI.
Faculty Member
Giovanna Tiny Sagita Gayatri, S.Kom , S.E, M.M.S.I is a Faculty Member in the Accounting program at Binus Online. She regularly teaches courses such as Financial Audit, Operational Audit, Basic Accounting, and Accounting Information Systems. During her master's program, she conducted significant research on the "Analysis of Factors for Adopting E-learning in Vocational Technical Skill Learning," analyzing the data using SPSS. Currently, she holds the position of Finance Manager at an online shop SME and is actively involved as a teaching faculty member in the Online Accounting program at Bina Nusantara.