The study aims to examine how an influencer’s credibility and parasocial interaction affect the purchasing intentions of the millennial generation. Factors considered include social attractiveness, physical attractiveness, and attitude homophily. The results show that while physical attractiveness positively affects influencer credibility, it does not significantly impact parasocial interaction. Attitude homophily and social attractiveness significantly influence both credibility and parasocial interaction. Parasocial interaction has a strong impact on purchase intention, while credibility alone does not suffice to influence purchase decisions




To align the study with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 8: “Decent Work and Economic Growth,” and SDG 12: “Responsible Consumption and Production,” the study emphasizes the importance of understanding consumer behavior in the context of influencer marketing. By focusing on how influencer credibility and para social interactions drive purchasing decisions, businesses can optimize marketing strategies to foster responsible consumption patterns, enhance economic opportunities, and encourage sustainable practices in the fashion industry. This contributes to promoting ethical and informed consumerism.


SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 12 ()