Dr. Ir. Teguh Sriwidadi, M.M
Dr. Ir. Teguh Sriwidadi, M.M
Online Lecture Coordinator Foundation of Business Management
  • teguhs2405@binus.ac.id
Graduate of the Faculty of Engineering majoring in Electrical Engineering Diponegoro University, Masters in Human Resources Management (HRM) UNIKA Atma Jaya Jakarta, and the Management Research Doctoral Program BINUS University. Active as a lecturer with more than 23 years of experience teaching undergraduate students at Bina Nusantara University and with more than 9 years of experience at BINUS Online, Bina Nusantara University. Serves as an Online Lecturer Specialist in BINUS Online Business Management. Passionate as a subject matter expert and researcher with expertise in HRM, Sustainability Management, and Operational Management. Seeking a role as an Associate Professor to continue my passion for achieving high academic quality.