Course Structure


Course Structure

Sem Code Course Name SCU Total
1 CHAR6019 Character Building: Pancasila 2 20
SCIE6042 Physics I 4
SCIE6043 Industrial Chemistry 4
MATH6082 Calculus I 4
ECON6068 Managerial Economics and Accounting 4
LANG6031 Indonesian 2
2 CHAR6020 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2 20
MATH6094 Calculus II 4
ECON6069 Engineering Economy 4
COMP6130 Introduction to Programming 2/2
MGMT6138 Leadership & Organizational Behavior 2
ENGL6163 English Professional 4
3 CHAR6021 Character Building: Agama 2 20
MATH6121 Linear and Discrete Mathematics 4
MATH6122 Calculus III 4
ARCH6102 Technical Drawing 2/2
ISYE6091 Environmental Engineering 2
ENTR6081 Entrepreneurship 4
4 STAT6126 Probability Theory 2 24
ISYE6093 Human-Integrated Systems 2/2
SCIE6044 Physics II 4/2
ISYE6092 System Engineering & Analysis 4
MATH6123 Deterministic Optimization 4
ISYE6087 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes 4
5 STAT6128 Stochastic Processes 4 22
ISYE6090 Supply Chain: Logistics 4
ISYE6096 Production & Operation Analysis 4/2
RSCH6087 Research Methodology and Applied Statistic 4
ISYE6094 Quality Engineering 4
6 Enrichment Program 16 16
7 ISYE6098 Supply Chain Risk & Negotiation 4 16
ISYE6099 Systems Simulation 4
ISYE6100 Health and Safety Engineering 4
ISYE6095 E-Supply Chain Management 2/2
8 ISYE6128 Final Project 8 8
Total Credit 146 SCU

Enrichment Program (6th Semester):
-) Student will take one of enrichment program tracks.

Enrichment Internship Track

Code Course Name SCU Total
Enrichment Program 1st Period
ISYE6151 Ethics & Technical Competencies in Industrial Engineering 0 0
ISYE6152 Industrial Practice 0
Enrichment Program 2nd Period
ISYE6149 Ethics & Technical Competencies in Industrial Engineering 8 16
ISYE6150 I Industrial Practice 8