SMA – S1


Group Course SCU
MKK STAT6174037 Probability Theory and Applied Statistics 4
SCIE6091037 Physics 2/2
MATH6195037 Mathematics 4
SCIE6057037 Chemistry and Biology 4
MKB ISYE6187037 Engineering Economy and System Analysis 4
  Total SCU 20
  Cumulative SCU 20


Group Course SCU
MPK CHAR6019037 Character Building: Pancasila 2
MKK ISYE6328037 Human-Integrated Systems and

Organizational Behaviour

MKB ISYE6348037 Deterministic Optimization and Stochastic Processes 4/2
ISYE6329037 Systems Simulation and Engineering Data Analysis 4
LANG6031037 Indonesian 2
COSC6012037 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 2
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 40


Group Course SCU
MPK CHAR6020037 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2
MKK MATH6216037 Calculus 4
MKB ARCH6102037 Technical Drawing 2/2
ISYE6094037 Quality Engineering 4
ISYE6190037 Facility Planning and Safety Engineering 4
ISYE6087037 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes 4
Total SCU 22
Cumulative SCU 62


Group Course SCU
MPK CHAR6021037 Character Building: Agama 2
MKB ISYE6330037 Production and Operation Analysis 2/2
ISYE6332037 Research Methodology and Experimental Design 4/2
ENPR6253037 Entrepreneurship 2
ENGL6163037 English Professional 4
Total SCU 18
Cumulative SCU 80


Group Course SCU
MKB Stream: Supply Chain Engineering
ISYE6333037 Supply Chain: Logistics and Transportation 4
ISYE6127037 Warehouse Management System 4
MGMT6560037 Leadership and Global Industrial Strategic 4
ISYE6095037 E-Supply Chain Management 2/2
ISYE6335037 Data Science for Supply Chain Analysis 4
Stream: Industrial Manufacturing System
ISYE6077037 Project Management 4
ISYE6194037 Environmental Engineering and Waste Management 4
MGMT6560037 Leadership and Global Industrial Strategic 4
ISYE6346037 Sustainable Manufacturing Systems 2/2
ISYE6347037 Maintenance Management System 4
Stream: Industrial Digital Transformation
ISYE6342037 Digital Transformation Strategies 4
ISYE6343037 Digitalization Product Development 4
ISYE6344037 Digital Logistics Management 4
COSC6106037 Data Science: Machine Learning 4
MGMT6560037 Leadership and Global Industrial Strategic 4
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 100


Group Course SCU
MKB Minor Program 20
Free Electives 20
Enrichment Program I 20
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 120

Students are required to choose Minor Program or Free Electives or Enrichment Program. See appendix for the details.


Group Course SCU
MKB Free Electives 20
Enrichment Program II 20
Total SCU 20
Cumulative SCU 140

Students are required to choose Free Electives one of enrichment program tracks. See appendix for the details.


Group Course SCU
MKB RSCH6692037 Pre Thesis 0
RSCH6493037 Thesis 0
RSCH6687037 Pre Thesis 2
RSCH6688037 Thesis 4
RSCH6494037 Thesis 6
Total SCU 6
Cumulative SCU 146

*Pre thesis (0 SCU) can be taken in the first period of the 6th semester, meanwhile pre thesis (2 SCU) can be taken in the second period of the 6th semester by the students who meet the requirements from the Study Program/Program. Then, thesis (0 SCU) can be taken in the first period of the 7th semester, meanwhile thesis (4 SCU) can be taken in the second period of the 7th semester by the students who meet the requirements from the Study Program/Program


MKK = Mata kuliah Keilmuan & Keterampilan (Science and Skill Course)             

MKB = Mata kuliah Keahlian Berkarya (Creative Expertise Course)

MPK = Mata kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (Personality Development Course)

MPB = Mata kuliah Perilaku Berkarya (Creative Behavior Course)

MBB = Mata kuliah Berkehidupan Bermasyarakat (Social Living Course)