The Effect of Role Ambiguity, Job Stress and Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Turnover on Employees of Matahari Department Store LIPPO Mall Karawaci

The job satisfaction issues among employees at PT Matahari Department store Lippo Mall Karawaci have resulted in a noticeable increase in employee turnover over the years, as evidenced by the rising number of departures from 2019 to 2021. In 2019, a total of 28 employees decided to leave, followed by 31 in 2020, and a further 37 in 2021 from the Matahari Department Store Lippo Mall Karawaci. This continuous rise in employee turnover is directly linked to the dissatisfaction experienced by the employees, leading to a decline in the number of active employees within the organization throughout the specified period.
The increasing employee turnover at PT Matahari Department Store Lippo Mall Karawaci indicates challenges in providing satisfactory working conditions and job satisfaction, which are crucial elements of decent work. High turnover rates not only disrupt the stability of the workforce but also hinder the achievement of sustainable economic growth within the organization and the broader community. In the context of the department store, addressing job satisfaction issues requires innovative approaches to improve working conditions, enhance employee engagement, and foster a supportive organizational culture.
Keywords: SDG 8 (economic growth), SDG 9 (industrial growth)