Antecedents of Online Purchase Intention on Fashion Products in DKI Jakarta Mediated by Consumer Commitment

Fashion perpetually trails the current of modernity, which is accompanied by a surge in innovation and originality, all aimed at ensuring that consumers are well-informed about the latest trends in the fashion industry. The realm of the fashion industry is all-encompassing, spanning from clothing and shoes to accessories and various other goods, creating a vast and diverse landscape of style and expression. The primary objective of this research is to pinpoint the specific factors that residents of DKI Jakarta perceive as beneficial when assessing their online fashion purchases, shedding light on their preferences and priorities in the realm of digital shopping. Furthermore, this study delves into the profound impact that consumer interaction with fashion items exerts on their inclination to make online clothing purchases, highlighting the pivotal role of engagement and personal connection in shaping consumer behavior towards e-commerce platforms.
By examining consumer behavior in online fashion purchases, the research contributes to understanding economic activities and opportunities in the fashion industry, which can promote decent work and economic growth, particularly in the digital economy. It’s focus on innovation and consumer preferences in the online fashion sector contributes to advancements in industry practices and infrastructure, fostering sustainable development and efficiency in the fashion supply chain.
Keywords: SDG 8 (Economic Growth), SDG 9 (industrial growth)