Antecedents of Employee Loyalty in Pertamina Gas Negara Mediated by Employee Well-Being and Employee Satisfaction

Well-being plays a crucial role in ensuring the sustainable efficiency of human resources, as it directly impacts their productivity and overall performance within an organization. Businesses that give importance to the social responsibility aspect towards their employees not only exhibit ethical values but also acquire a competitive edge over other businesses in the market. The concept of employee loyalty stands out as a central concern in the realm of human resource management, primarily due to its pivotal role in shifting the focus towards enhancing employee retention strategies. By cultivating a work environment that values and fosters employee loyalty, organizations can instill a strong sense of belonging and dedication among their workforce, ultimately resulting in heightened productivity and overall success.
Adoption of social responsibility initiatives towards employees, evidenced by the integration of ethical values into corporate policies and practices. Recognition and awards received by businesses for their commitment to workplace well-being, social responsibility towards employees, and fostering employee loyalty.
Keywords: SDG 3 (good health), SDG 8(economic growth)