• The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Trust, and Supervisor Support on Perceived Organizational Performance at Call Center PT LION Air Group

  • Antecedent of Repurchase Intention on Lotus Tour and Travel The Tourism Industry Company

  • Antecedents Entrepreneurial Motivation and Intention of Millennials in The Greater Jakarta

  • The Effect of Family Support on Firm Performance and Owners’ Well-Being of Women-Owned MSME in Jakarta and Mediated by Family-to-Work Enrichment

  • The Influence of E-Service Quality Towards Word of Mouth Mediated by Customer Satisfaction for MYIM3 Application Usage

  • Adoption Of Telemedicine Application During The COVID-19 : The UTAUT Model

  • The Effect of E-Service Quality on Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of My Pertamina Applications in Indonesia

  • The effect of e-Marketing Orientation on E-Strategic Business mediated by e-trust on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the culinary field in Bogor City during the pandemic Covid19

  • Antecedents Technology Acceptance Model Influences The Users’ Intentions to Use New PLN Mobile Application

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